Accident insurance
Accident insurance applies to a valid ČSC license.
Insured persons are all entities associated in the Czech Sports Union for the duration of all events and activities organized or organized by these entities, including organized trips to these events (examples of activities are sports matches, trainings, recruitment and promotional events). The insurance is valid worldwide.
COVERAGE OF INSURANCE can be found in the attached link HERE.
A scan of the INSURANCE CONTRACT No. can be found HERE.
More information on insurance, including the relevant contract and forms, can be found HERE.
Notification of damage event:
The occurrence of a damage event must be reported to the insurance company via:
1.) accident insurance claim notification forms in the event of death as a result of an accident, permanent consequences of an accident with progression, daily compensation for the time of necessary treatment of an injury, wheelchair costs and funeral expenses. On the second side of the form, in the “Additional notes”, it is necessary to enter the name and surname of the responsible employee of a specific sports association/club and to confirm with a stamp and signature the fact that the insured event occurred with the insured person during the insured activity according to Art. II. Insurance contracts.
Accident insurance claim notification form:

Documents must be attached to the form:
- a copy of the insured’s medical documentation relating to the accident
- in the case of permanent consequences, a copy of the documentation on the course of treatment and rehabilitation and a copy of the medical report after the stabilization of the permanent consequences
- in case of death, a certified copy of the death certificate and a copy of the medical report on the cause of death
- a copy of the police report in case of a police investigation
2.) forms Notification of a loss event from the insurance for incapacity for work in the case of daily compensation for the period of incapacity for work due to injury. On the other side of the form, under “Required documentation”, it is necessary to enter the name and surname of the responsible employee of a specific sports association/club and to confirm with a stamp and signature the fact that the insured event occurred with the insured person during the insured activity according to Art. II. Insurance contracts.
Insurance claim notification form in case of incapacity for work:

Documents must be attached to the form:
- medical documentation of the insured person regarding incapacity for work
- proof of incapacity for work
- a copy of the police report in case of a police investigation
- a copy of the discharge report in case of hospitalization
Any other necessary documents are listed in the insurance conditions, including the valuation tables.
The insurance company will assess the completeness of the submitted documents on reporting the damage event, or request additional documents relevant to the investigation.
Send damage reports by email with scanned documents to the address: or by registered mail to:
Pojišťovna VZP, a.s.
Insurance Claims Liquidation Department
Ke Štvanice 656/3
186 00 Prague 8 – Karlín
Contact person for reporting damage events:
Martina Hovorková
Phone: +420 233 006 311
Any questions you may have about insurance and reporting claims:
Client line Pojišťovna VZP, a.s.
Phone: + 420 233 006 311
(on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
Head of client line: Mgr. Petra Nedellecová